Saturday, September 11, 2010

Get to know us

(Originally posted 07-27-10)  I am learning that keeping up with a blog takes some work! I don't think I realized what I was getting myself into. And the intimidation! Wasn't prepared for that. So many great blogs out there with so many followers. But, that is not the motivation for me.

I started this blog as a form of release, but not just that. I realized (actually I was told) that I am a difficult person to get to know. When I first heard that, I didn't know how to take it. Be offended? Disagree? Maybe. But, then I thought about it and realized that there was truth to it. So, I am using this blog as a way for people to get to know more about me and my family. This is not easy for me because as one who is difficult to get to know, I am a guarded person. I am private not because I want to keep secrets or keep people out, but it has definitely become my defense mechanism for me. I am terribly afraid of rejection. And, as one who is afraid of rejection, to me rejection comes in many forms. It could be anything from the person at Wal-Mart who does not return my smile and wave to the least little thing such as someone who looks at me strangely when I share my point of view. Is that rejection? Not sure. Anyway, I have decided that this blog is a way for me to safely let people in to my world.

Another reason I started this blog is because I wanted to be able to share what's going on with Kennedy. If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me, "How's Kennedy?" Well, let's just say I'd be on vacation right now. But, I found that I either didn't tell the whole story because I had to tell it so much, or was telling part of what happened to some people and other parts to other people. When you have as much going on as we do, it can get discouraging dredging up the same sad stories over and over.

Sharing parts of myself is not that easy for me to do so I'm asking my readers (if I have any) to bear with me. Nevertheless I am learning that, the more I blog the easier it gets and the better I feel about sharing my life. Life is a journey, but that journey is what you make it. I don't want to die with only a couple of people knowing the real me. So, feel free to email me or ask me questions or leave me comments. I am not offended easily and have never minded be asked questions. God bless you!

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